Best ER Diagram Tool

Brings the power of data modeling to data architects

What is the Best ER Diagram tool?

Entity Relationship Diagram is a snapshot of data structure. Such a database design diagram is used to show the entities present in a database as well as the relationship between tables in that database, typically used for modeling the organization of data within databases or information systems. The ERD thereby acts like the blueprint for the database and it allows the creation of an accurate design that reflects the needs of the project. With the best ER diagram tool, ERD can be created quickly and effortlessly.

Best ER Diagram Tool

Powerful Agile Toolset for Database Modeling and Design

Friendly, Intuitive and Powerful

  • Easy to create, edit and modify ER diagram with Resource Catalog and other supreme editing capabilities
  • Streamline data record manipulation with Table Record Editor
  • Quick query and view data with Database View Editor
  • Generate SQL Statement on demand with SQL Statement Generator
  • Auto refinement from conceptual, logical to physical ERDs with auto model traceability establishment

Well integrated with agile toolset

  • Integrated with latest UML, BPMN, Mind map, DFD and many other diagrams
  • Flexible image export and report generation and design toolset
  • Well Integrated with code engineering capabilities
  • Seamlessly integrated with object relational database mapping framework
  • Store Procedure support
  • Automatic foreign key generation
  • Database trigger support

Incredible features. Affordable price

  • ERD support starting from Modeler and above
  • A Modeler starting at only $99 / per perpetual license or $6 / per subscription.
  • VP Standard edition covers most of the database modeling feature with only $349 / Perpetual or $19 per subscription
  • VP Professional provides all the features you needs the entire software development process with huge collection of advanced agile software toolset

Key features and benefits

Generating Database From ERD Database View
  • Major International IT award winner trusted by million of users, blue-chips, IT consultants and government and NGO units
  • Excellent performance and cross platform that supports Windows, Mac OS and Linux
  • Excellent user supports with online resources, active user forum, knowhow blog and samples and templets.
  • Provide Online Edition Free for user under valid maintenance plan as bonus
  • Provide one-stop-shop solution for the entire agile software development process
  • Support team collaboration and parallel editing and manage changes automatically

Used by the World's Best-Known Enterprises

We are trusted by over 320,000 people in companies ranging from small business to Fortune 500 companies, universities and government units.

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