Business Motivation Modeling Tool


The Business Motivation Model (BMM) in enterprise architecture provides a scheme and structure for development, communication, and managing business plans in an organized manner. Specifically, the Business Motivation Model does all of the following:

  • Identify factors that motivate the establishment of business plans;
  • Identify and define all the elements of business plans; and
  • Indicate how all these factors and elements are inter-related.
  • Strategic Planning with Business Motivation Model Guide-Through
    The process map of Business Motivation Model (BMM). You can perform strategic planning by performing the activities under each BMM element,

Your Challenges

  • Hard to develop a business plan step-by-step and systematically without a standard business motivation framework
  • Standard describes in the manual is hard to follow and lacking of instructions
  • Factors and concepts in BMM are complex, inter-related and thus very hard to maintain the traceability manually among them
  • The BMM model end up to be complex and hard to maintain
  • Hard to visualize the information in different report formats as needed by different stakeholders

Our Solutions

  • Embedded instructions, samples automatically with step-by-step guided through progress indicator
  • Conform to the OMG BMM open standards and process framework
  • Automatic report generation with different templates for satisfy the needs of different stakeholders
  • Visualize the inter-relationships of different concepts in BMM using ArchiMate 3 diagram (The Open Group Certified) by configuring the dependencies of the stakeholders interested
  • Adopt either baseline-first or target-first approach to fit your situation, such as process improvement or new start-up business problems
  • Archive BMM documents and deliverables in visual File Cabinet automatically

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