Creating and configuring Task Pools' Statuses

A Task Pool can be in one of the three statuses by default, namely Planning, Working and Closed. These statuses not only indicate the current state of the Task Pools and the tasks within, but also add different effects to them. The following table lists the three statuses and their effects:

Status Description
Planning Task Pool is not yet started. Yet, team members can start planning the tasks to be accomplished under this Task Pool.
The assignee of tasks will not see the tasks in their task lists until the Task Pool has actually been started.
Working Team members are working on the tasks in the Task Pools actively.
Closed All tasks are cleared and no more new tasks will be created. The task pool has finished its mission and hence closed.
Both the Task Pool and the tasks within are read-only, which means that members cannot add and remove tasks in the Task Pool, nor to edit tasks and add comments to them.

Description of statuses and their effect

Aside from the three statuses, you can define your own statuses. In this article you will learn how to do this.

Enabling the configuration permission of Task Pool statuses

The configuration of Task Pool is not everyone's permission. One must be granted such a permission in order to configure Task Pool statuses. To grant such a permission to a member:

  1. Open a web browser.
  2. If your team uses VPository, visit and login your cloud entry point. If your team uses Teamwork Server, visit the VP Server URL and login as administrator. Note that the login ID of the default server administrator is Admin.
  3. If your team uses VPository, open the Members page. If your team uses Teamwork Server, click on Members for Teamwork Module.
  4. On the member list, select the member to grant him/her the configuration permission.
    Selecting a member
    Selecting a member
  5. On the right hand side, under the Edit Member page, check Task pool status.
    Grant a member the permission to configure Task Pool statuses
    Grant a member the permission to configure Task Pool statuses
  6. Click Save.

Configuring Task Pool statuses

Team members who are granted the permission to configure statuses (read the section above for steps) can create and edit the statuses in Tasifier. To configure status:

  1. In Tasifier, move your mouse pointer over the Task Pools caption.
  2. You should see the gear button. Click on it. If you do not see such a button, make sure you are granted the configuration permission.
    To configure Task Pool statuses
    To configure Task Pool statuses
  3. You are presented the Task Pool Status Setting window. You can now define a new status by clicking New Status, entering its name and setting its entry condition and attributes. Entry condition is the condition required to fulfill in order for a Task Pool to enter this status. Attributes are the effects of setting a Task Pool to be in this status. Please read the next section for details. Note that the order of statuses in the list is important because it determines the next status a Task Pool will be in by proceeding from the current one. You can change the order of statuses by dragging them.
    Task Pool Status Setting window
    Task Pool Status Setting window
  4. Click Save. Note that the configuration of statuses is shared among all projects.

Effect of attributes

Attribute Description
Kicked off
Tasks will appear on assignee's task list.
Read only tasks
Tasks will not be non-editable, which means that members cannot edit the description, any properties and add comments to the tasks.
Read only task list
Not allowed to add new tasks nor to delete tasks.

Description of the effects of attributes

Proceeding to the next status

To move a Task Pool to the next status, proceed it. To proceed:

  1. Click on the down arrow next to the name of the Task Pool, from the Main Pane.
  2. Select Proceed to "Closed" status from the drop-down menu where "Closed" is the name of the next status.
    Proceed to next status
    Proceed to next status

Related Resources

The following resources may help you learn more about the topic discussed in this page.

5. Abnormal Task Pool Table of Contents Chapter 5. Task

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