Instant Reverse

To reverse source code to a project through command line:

  1. Browse the scripts folder under the Visual Paradigm installation directory. For Mac users, you can find the scripts folder in the Visual Paradigm package by right clicking on it and then selecting Show Package Contents. Then look in Contents\Resources\app\scripts for the scripts folder.
  2. Copy the script file InstantReverse and paste to the bin folder of Visual Paradigm installation directory.
  3. Start the command prompt.
  4. Navigate to the bin folder of Visual Paradigm installation directory.
  5. Execute the script by supplying the required parameters. For example:
    InstantReverse -project C:\Demo\Demo.vpp -path C:\Demo\MyProject\src -lang Java -pathtype folder -sourcetype source

    Below is a description of parameters:
    Parameter Description Example
    -project Project path
    -path The file or folder path of the source files to be reversed
    Specify the language of the source code to reverse. Here are the possible options:
    • Java
    • "C++ Source"
    • ".NET dll or exe files"
    • "CORBA IDL Source"
    • Ada 9x Source"
    • XML
    • "XML Schema"
    • Hibernate
    • "PHP 5.0 Source"
    • "Python Source"
    • Objective-C
    pathtype Useful only for Java, pathtype defines the type of the path supplied for -path. Here are the possible options:
    • file
    • folder
    • zip
    sourcetype Useful only for Java, sourcetype defines the type of source to reverse. Here are the possible options:
    • source
    • class
    -overwrite | -update Overwrite or update model from code - overwrite
    Parameters for InstantReverse

Related Resources

The following resources may help you to learn more about the topic discussed in this page.

6. Instant generator Table of Contents 8. Java code synchronization

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