Referencing another project

To reference another project enables you to link to another project and use its model elements in developing your own project. You can organize your model elements in a more disciplined approach by having one project per library project. This also helps you to "slim up" projects through breaking down a project into smaller pieces. Moreover, you can reference to other projects and create an overview project for them.

Referencing another project

To reference to another project:

  1. Select Project > Referenced Project from the application toolbar.
  2. In the Manage Referenced Projects window, click Add.
  3. In the Open window, choose the Visual Paradigm project file (*.vpp) to reference to and click Open.
  4. When you return the Manage Referenced Projects dialog box, click Close.

Referencing a specific revision of a teamwork project (For Teamwork Server/VPository users only)

Besides referencing a whole project, if you are working in a team environment you can also reference an old revision of another teamwork project. This will download an independent copy of that revision from server to your local machine, and with a reference added in between. The project is independent, meaning that you won't be able to modify it or perform any teamwork actions on it, such as commit, update, etc. To reference a specific revision of a teamwork project:

  1. Select Project > Referenced Project from the application toolbar.
  2. In the Manage Referenced Projects window, click Add Revision.
  3. Select the project to reference to.
  4. Choose the revision.
  5. Click OK.

Related Resources

The following resources may help you to learn more about the topic discussed in this page.

Chapter 1. Maintaining project reference Table of Contents 2. Referencing other projects' model elements

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