Introduction of Database Design and Management Features


Overview of Database Design & Management with Visual Paradigm

Check out how Visual Paradigm supports your database design and management needs.


Benefits of Designing Database with Visual Paradigm

In this page you will see a list of key benefits of using Visual Paradigm in designing database.

Database Configuration in Visual Paradigm

Database configuration is to setup the connection details required to connect to your database from Visual Paradigm. In this page you will learn the properties you have to set in database configuration.


Sharing Database Configuration between Projects

See how to share database configuration from project to project through the export and import feature.


Supported Database, JDBC Drivers and .NET Drivers

Check out the list of databases supported in data modeling, database generation and database reversal.

4. Using REST API (as a Service Consumer) Table of Contents 1. Overview of Database Design & Management with Visual Paradigm

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