Stakeholder Viewpoint

In the ArchiMate language, a viewpoint is a relevant subset of ArchiMate elements and relationships, put together on a diagram in representing a particular part of an architecture. ArchiMate suggests a set of example viewpoints. Each of them comprises elements from different layers. Besides, the Grouping element, Junction, and Or Junction can be used in every viewpoint. These basic viewpoints can be used as starting points for modeling efforts. But keep in mind that these example viewpoints should not constrain modeling activities. Organizations should modify the example viewpoints or even to design their own viewpoints in addressing specific stakeholder concerns. This article describes one of the many example viewpoints - The Stakeholder Viewpoint.

What is an Stakeholder Viewpoint?

According to ArchiMate 3.0.1 specification:

The stakeholder viewpoint allows the analyst to model the stakeholders, the internal and external drivers for change, and the assessments (in terms of strengths, weaknesses, opportunities, and threats) of these drivers. Also, the links to the initial (high-level) goals that address these concerns and assessments may be described. These goals form the basis for the requirements engineering process, including goal refinement, contribution and conflict analysis, and the derivation of requirements that realize the goals.

The table below describes Stakeholder Viewpoint in more detail.

Attribute Value
Stakeholders Stakeholders, business managers, enterprise and ICT architects, business analysts, requirements managers
Concerns Architecture mission and strategy, motivation
Purpose Designing, deciding, informing
Scope Motivation

Description of Stakeholder Viewpoint

Stakeholder Viewpoint Example

The figure below shows an ArchiMate diagram created under the Stakeholder Viewpoint. By applying a viewpoint you are allowed to draw an ArchiMate diagram with a subset of ArchiMate elements and relationships, as defined under the viewpoint.

Stakeholder Viewpoint example
Stakeholder Viewpoint example

How to apply Stakeholder Viewpoint?

To apply Stakeholder Viewpoint (or any other viewpoint) involves two main steps. The first step is to configure your project to use the viewpoint. The second step is to edit your diagram by selecting the viewpoint.

Project configuration

  1. Select Modeling > Manage Viewpoint from the application toolbar.
    To manage ArchiMate Viewpoints
    To manage ArchiMate Viewpoints
  2. This shows the Viewpoint tab. Click Add at bottom left.
    To add a viewpoint into the project
    To add a viewpoint into the project
  3. This shows the list of example viewpoints. Select Stakeholder Viewpoint. The stakeholder, purpose, concerns and related elements are presented on the right.
    List of ArchiMate viewpoints
    List of ArchiMate viewpoints
  4. Click Done.
  5. Click OK to confirm.

Setting a viewpoint to diagram

To apply Stakeholder Viewpoint on an ArchiMate diagram:

  1. Right click on the ArchiMate diagram and select Open Specification... from the popup menu.
    Opening diagram specification
    Opening diagram specification
  2. Open the Viewpoint tab.
  3. Select Stakeholder Viewpoint.

    Select Stakeholder Viewpoint
  4. Click OK to return to the diagram. From now on, you can select the subset of ArchiMate elements and relationships defined under the Stakeholder Viewpoint.

    Diagram toolbar that lists the subset of ArchiMate elements

Related Resources

The following resources may help you to learn more about the topic discussed in this page.

12. Layered Viewpoint Table of Contents 14. Goal Realization Viewpoint

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