Part I. Getting started

Part II. UML modeling

Part III. Project glossary

Part IV. BPMN toolset

Part V. Project management

Part VI. Modeling toolset

Part VII. ArchiMate tools

Part VIII. Team collaboration

Part IX. Code engineering

Part X. Database design and engineering

Part XI. Advanced modeling toolset

Part XII. Document production

Part XIII. Business modeling

Part XIV. Business rule

Part XV. Agile development

Part XVI. Wireframe

Part XVII. Impact analysis

Part XVIII. CMMN toolset

Part XIX. SoaML modeling

Part XX. Design animation

Part XXI. IDE Integration

Part XXII. Interoperability and integration

Part XXIII. Process simulation

Part XXIV. Zachman and BMM

Part XXV. Appendix A - Application Options

Part XXVI. Appendix B - Project Options

Part XXVII. Appendix C


Understanding ArchiMate Viewoints Mechanism

To develop and maintain an enterprise architecture requires the cooperation between different people, teams and even organizations. These stakeholders have different backgrounds, expertise and responsibilities and have different interests, goals and needs. If there is a means to allow stakeholders to focus on particular aspects of an enterprise architecture, conerns can be better addressed, and this is what ArchiMate's viewpoint aimed to to achieve.

Viewpoint allows enterprise architects, designers and any other stakeholders involved in building, maintaining and participating in an enterprise architecture to define their own views on the architecture. Stakeholders views the portions they are interested in and avoid reading information that they do not care as much about.

In this page, you will learn how to add a standard viewpoint which is suggested by OpenGroup ArchiMate 3.0 specification and how to create your own viewpoint.

Adding a Standard Viewpoint

A set of standard viewpoints have been suggested by OpenGroup. In this section, you will learn how to add a standard viewpoint.

  1. Select Modeling > Manage Viewpoints... from the toolbar.
  2. In the Viewpoint Management window, the Viewpoint tab is opened by default.
    Manage viewpoints
    Manage viewpoints
  3. At the bottom left, click Add.
    Add a Viewpoint
    Add a Viewpoint
  4. A list of standard viewpoints are listed, known as the predefined viewpoints. Check the ones that are required by your enterprise architecture (project).

     Add standard viewpoints to enterprise architecture
    Add standard viewpoints to enterprise architecture
  5. Click Done at bottom left to confirm your selection.
  6. Each predefined viewpoint comes with a set of preset properties such as stakeholders, layers, purpose, abstraction level, concerns and aspects. You may change them by first selecting the viewpoint you want to change on the left hand side and editing the fields on the right hand side. Here is a description of properties:
    Property Description
    Name Name of the viewpoint.
    Architecture Stakeholders
    People who view the enterprise architecture through the viewpoint.
    Layer The perspective involved. The selection affects the visibility of tools that are available in diagram toolbar in ArchiMate diagram.
    Purpose One of the two dimensions in classifying a viewpoint. The Purpose dimension allows the classification of viewpoint base on the purpose of view.
    Designing - Support architectures and designers in the design process.
    Deciding - Assists stakeholders in decision-making.
    Informing - Inform stakeholders who have a need in understanding the enterprise architecture.
    Abstraction Level One of the two dimensions in classifying a viewpoint. The Abstract Level dimension classify viewpoint base on the level of detail of a view.
    Details - Typically consider one layer and one aspect from the ArchiMate framework.
    Coherence - Multiple layers or multiple aspects are spanned.
    Overview - Addresses both multiple layers and multiple aspects.

    Concerns Conerns of stakeholders to be addressed by the viewpoint.
    Aspects Certain aspects of enterprise architecture.
    Caption Here
    Properties of a viewpoint
    Properties of a viewpoint
  7. Click OK to confirm viewpoint management and close the window.

Creating Your Own Viewpoint

Instead of using standard viewpoints, you may also define your own viewpoints, with your own stakeholders. To create your own viewpoint:

  1. Select Modeling > Manage Viewpoints... from the toolbar.
  2. In the Viewpoint Management window, select the Viewpoint tab.
  3. At the bottom left, click Add.
  4. Click New.
  5. Enter the name of the stakeholder.
  6. You may optionally add the stakeholder to existing viewpoints now.
  7. Specify the documentation.
  8. At the bottom left, click Done to confirm the creation of stakeholder.

Assign a Viewpoint to Diagram (i.e. View in ArchiMate)

Once you have added or created a viewpoint, you can assign the viewpoint to diagram(s). The diagram with viewpoint specified is supposed to be designed for the stakeholders listed in that viewpoint. To set viewopoint, right click on the diagram and select Open specification, open its Viewpoint tab and set viewpoint there.

Set viewpoint via diagram specification window
Set viewpoint via diagram specification window


Creating a Stakeholder

When you add a standard viewpoint, the stakeholders involved will be added to your project automatically. In addition to these 'default stakeholders', you can create your own to suit your business and problem domain.

To create a stakeholder:

  1. Select Modeling > Manage Viewpoints... from the toolbar.
  2. In the Viewpoint Management window, select the Architecture Stakeholder tab.
  3. At the bottom left, click Add.
  4. Click New.

Browsing an Enterprise Architecture with Viewpoint

You can list the diagrams that have been assigned with certain viewpoint, or to list diagrams based on certain stakeholder. To do these:

  1. Select View > Panes > Model Explorer in the toolbar. After openning the Model Explorer, you should see two nodes - Stakeholders and Viewpoints, with stakeholders and viewpoints listed.
    Model Explorer
    Model Explorer
  2. If you want to browse enterprise architecture base on a stakeholder or viewpoint, double click on it.
    Browse an enterprise architecture from viewpoint
    Browse an enterprise architecture from viewpoint

    You will see the diagram(s) that is associated with the chosen stakeholder/viewpoint will be displayed.
    Browsing enterprise architecture
    Browsing enterprise architecture
  3. If you want to browse with another stakeholder/viewpoint, you can update the selection in the drop down at the top of the panel.
    View another stakeholder
    View another stakeholder

List of Standard ArchiMate 3.0 Viewpoints

Actor Corporation Viewpoint
Application Behavior Viewpoint
Application Cooperation Viewpoint
Application Platform
Application Structure Viewpoint
Application Usage Viewpoint
Architecture Implementation and Migration Viewpoint
Business Function Viewpoint
Business Process Cooperation Viewpoint
Business Process Viewpoint
Capability Map Viewpoint
Goal Contribution Viewpoint
Goal Realization Viewpoint
Implementation and Deployment Platform Viewpoint
Implementation and Migration Viewpoint
Information Structure Viewpoint
Infrastructure Usage Viewpoint
Infrastructure Viewpoint
Introductory Viewpoint
Landscape Map Viewpoint
Layered Viewpoint
Migration Viewpoint
Motivation Viewpoint
Organization Viewpoint
Outcome Realization Viewpoint
Physical Viewpoint
Principles Viewpoint
Product Viewpoint
Project Viewpoint
Requirements Realization Viewpoint
Resource Map Viewpoint
Service Realization Viewpoint
Stakeholder Viewpoint
Strategy Viewpoint
Technology Usage Viewpoint
Technology Viewpoint

ArchiMate 3.0 Viewpoints

Related Resources

The following resources may help you to learn more about the topic discussed in this page.

Chapter 2. ArchiMate Viewpoints Table of Contents Chapter 3. Example Viewpoints

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