Part I. Getting started

Part II. UML modeling

Part III. Project glossary

Part IV. BPMN toolset

Part V. Project management

Part VI. Modeling toolset

Part VII. ArchiMate tools

Part VIII. Team collaboration

Part IX. Code engineering

Part X. Database design and engineering

Part XI. Advanced modeling toolset

Part XII. Document production

Part XIII. Business modeling

Part XIV. Business rule

Part XV. Agile development

Part XVI. Wireframe

Part XVII. Impact analysis

Part XVIII. CMMN toolset

Part XIX. SoaML modeling

Part XX. Design animation

Part XXI. IDE Integration

Part XXII. Interoperability and integration

Part XXIII. Process simulation

Part XXIV. Zachman and BMM

Part XXV. Appendix A - Application Options

Part XXVI. Appendix B - Project Options

Part XXVII. Appendix C


How to Read a Matrix in Model Analysis?

Knowing how to read a matrix helps you to understand your model better and to perform further modifications more comfortably. In this chapter, we will see how to read a matrix and how to refine the matrix content with the help of functionalities like hiding columns and rows and filter.

A matrix is a table with rows and columns, both represent sets of model elements of specific types. A cell in table is an intersection of a row and a column which reflects the relationship of the row and column. If the cell is filled either by a tick or by a kind of relationship (when a matrix was set to match things by Relationship), this means that the model elements of the row and column are related. The type of relationship can be checked by referring to the drop down menu at the top left of matrix.

Overview of a matrix diagram
Overview of a matrix diagram
No.Name Description
1 Sort Adjust the way elements are ordered in rows and columns - by name, stereotype or ID
2 Show only rows/columns with matches Matrix lists only rows and columns with matches by default. Uncheck it when you want to show entries without matches as well.
3 Filter row Type the full name of a model element or part of it that you are looking for to narrow down the searching field in rows when too much data is displayed.
4 Filter column Type the full name of a model element or part of it that you are looking for to narrow down the searching field in columns when too much data is displayed.
5 Refresh You can update the content of matrix by clicking this button manually, for reflecting the changes you have made in models.
6 Export to Excel Click this button to export the opening matrix to Excel.
7 Configure Click this button to configure the content to display in matrix.
8 By It shows how matrix will match against rows and columns.
9 Relationship Select the kind of relationship to be considered.
10 Relationship Stereotype Select the stereotype assignedto relationships.
11 Rows The model elements have been chosen will be displayed in rows.
12 Move up and move down Rows and columns are ordered alphabetically by default. They help to re-order rows and columns in moving vertically.
13 Swap rows and columns It helps to change the presentation between rows and columns, but not switch the actual relationships between model elements being represented by them.
14 Move left and move right Rows and columns are ordered alphabetically by default. They help to re-order rows and columns in moving horizontally.
15 Columns The model elements have been chosen will be displayed in columns.
Description of matrix diagram

Exporting Excel

You can export Excel file from matrix, and analyze relationships between model elements in worksheet in Excel. To export Excel:

  1. Click Export to Excel above the matrix, near the Configure button.
    To Click Export to Excel
    To Click Export to Excel
  2. In the Export Excel dialog box, specify the output destination and click Save.

Related Resources

The following resources may help you to learn more about the topic discussed in this page.

1. Creating a Matrix Table of Contents 3. Showing the Use of Terms with Matrix

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