Types of Gateway in BPMN

Gateways determine what path is taken through a process that controls the flow of both diverging and converging Sequence Flows. That is, a single Gateway could have multiple inputs and multiple output flows. The term “gateway” implies that there is a gating mechanism that either allows or disallows passage through the Gateway–that is, as tokens arrive at a Gateway, they can be merged on input and/or split apart on output as the Gateway mechanisms are invoked. If the flow does not need to be controlled, then a Gateway is not needed.

Gateways, like Activities, are capable of consuming or generating additional control tokens, effectively controlling the execution semantics of a given Process. The main difference is that Gateways do not represent ‘work’ being done and they are considered to have zero effect on the operational measures of the Process being executed (cost, time, etc.).

Type of gateways

All Gateways are represented with a diamond shape, with different icons within to distinguish the type of Gateway. In BPMN we can divide Gateways element into the following categories:

gateway types

Exclusive Gateway

exclusive gateway

A diverging Exclusive Gateway (or XOR Gateway) is used to create alternative paths within a Process flow. For a given instance of the Process, only one of the paths can be taken.

When the execution of a workflow arrives at this gateway, all outgoing sequence flows are evaluated in the order in which they are defined. The sequence flow whose condition evaluates to true is selected for propagating the token flow.

Note that the semantics of an outgoing sequence flow:

  • In general, in BPMN 2.0, all sequence flows whose conditions evaluate to true are selected to continue in a parallel way. When using an exclusive gateway, only one sequence flow is selected.
  • When multiple sequence flows have conditions that evaluate to true, only the first one defined is selected to continue the process.
  • If no sequence flow can be selected, an exception will be thrown. To ensure a sequence flow will always be selected, have no condition on one of your flows.

Exclusive Gateway Example

The following diagram shows an exclusive gateway that will choose one sequence flow based on the value of a property, in this example, the invoice amount. Only two flows have conditions on them going to CFO Approval and Finance Director Approval. The last sequence flow has no condition and will be selected by default if the other conditional flows evaluate to false.

exclusive gateway example

Event-Based Gateway

The event-based gateway also can be used to instantiate a process.  When this is the case the Event-Based Exclusive Gateway icon has only a single circle within the diamond.  When used to start a process, the Event-Based Exclusive Gateway allows the process to start in several ways based on the event that triggers it.

Event-Based Gateway Example

event based gateway example

Parallel Gateway

Parallel gateway

Parallel gateways are used to represent two tasks in a business flow. A parallel gateway is used to visualize the concurrent execution of activities. A parallel gateway models a fork into multiple paths of execution, or a join of multiple incoming paths of execution.

  • Fork – all outgoing sequence flows are followed in parallel, creating one concurrent execution for each sequence flow.
  • Join – all concurrent executions arriving at the parallel gateway wait at the gateway until execution has completed for each of the incoming sequence flows. The process then continues.

A parallel gateway can have both fork and join behavior if there are multiple incoming and outgoing sequence flows for the same parallel gateway. In this case, the gateway will first join all the incoming sequence flows, before splitting into multiple concurrent paths of execution.

Parallel Gateway Example

The following diagram shows a definition with two parallel gateways.

Parallel gateway example

Inclusive Gateway

Inclusive gateway

An inclusive Gateway specifies that one or more of the available paths will be taken. They could all be taken, or only one of them.

Inclusive Gateway Example – Car Purchase

Inclusive gateway example

The first OR gateway represents the control of the flow of the process along one or more paths in the model.

  • If the car needs to be cleaned, it will be cleaned.
  • Also, if it needs to be repaired, it will be repaired.
  • If the car needs to be both cleaned and repaired, both things happen.
  • The possibility that neither cleaning nor repairs are required.

The second OR gateway represents the reconnection of those paths and the continuation of flow.

  • When reconnecting paths like this, the OR gateway explicitly requires that all paths that were activated must be completed before continuing in the process.
  • By explanation, if the car needed only to be cleaned, then the car may be driven once the cleaning is done.
  • If the car needed to be both cleaned and repaired, the car could not be driven until both the cleaning and repairs were completed.

Exclusive Event-based Gateway

exclusive event based gateway

An exclusive event-based gateway is used to branch a process when alternative paths are determined by events (various messages or signals) rather than by conditional flows. This can happen when the decision about one of the alternative paths is taken by someone out of the process.

Exclusive Event-based Gateway Example

A signing contract process expects a signal regarding a client’s decision during the negotiation process. Further development of the process depends on this decision.

exclusive event based gateway-example

An exclusive event-based gateway, the decision is made based on whichever the associated intermediate event occurs first.

Complex Decision Gateway

A complex decision gateway allows for a more expressive decision within a business process. Multiple factors, rules, and analyses can all combine to yield results. The analysis should result in at least one path always being taken.

complex decision gateway

Complex Gateway Example

A student takes an SAT examination. If the student scores under an 800 (the possible scores range from 200 to 1600), the student will enroll in an expensive class to improve his test score – and then retake the exam. If the student performs moderately, he will read a low-cost book designed to help him improve his score – and then retake the exam. If the student scores above 1000, he will immediately attend university.

 complex decision gateway example

Parallel Event-Based Gateway

Parallel event based gateway

A Parallel Event-Based gateway is similar to a parallel gateway. It allows for more than one process to happen at the same time. It is important to note that while the Event-Based Parallel Gateway will allow multiple events to pass through and start the corresponding portion of the process, it does not wait for all of the events to arrive. That is, it does not wait and synchronize the events before the start of each processing path is permitted.

Parallel Event-based Gateway Example

Event Gateways can be used to instantiate a Process. By default the Gateway’s instantiate attribute is false, but if set to true, then the Process is instantiated when the first Event of the Gateway’s configuration is triggered. In this example, if your Bank Manager Approval event is triggered then the Increase Overdraft process will be executed.

Parallel event based gateway-example


We now know how to use the seven different types of gateways in BPMN modeling. Gateways can define all the types of Business Process Sequence Flow behavior:

  • Decisions/branching (exclusive, inclusive, parallel, complex)
  • merging, forking, joining


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