Part I. Getting started

Part II. UML modeling

Part III. Project glossary

Part IV. BPMN toolset

Part V. Project management

Part VI. Modeling toolset

Part VII. ArchiMate tools

Part VIII. Team collaboration

Part IX. Code engineering

Part X. Database design and engineering

Part XI. Advanced modeling toolset

Part XII. Document production

Part XIII. Business modeling

Part XIV. Business rule

Part XV. Agile development

Part XVI. Wireframe

Part XVII. Impact analysis

Part XVIII. CMMN toolset

Part XIX. SoaML modeling

Part XX. Design animation

Part XXI. IDE Integration

Part XXII. Interoperability and integration

Part XXIII. Process simulation

Part XXIV. Zachman and BMM

Part XXV. Appendix A - Application Options

Part XXVI. Appendix B - Project Options

Part XXVII. Appendix C


How to Update Visual Paradigm to Latest Build/Version?

Visual Paradigm releases hotfixes on a monthly basis. It is recommended to update your installation monthly to keep it up to date. In this article you will learn how to update your installation to the latest build. You can take the same steps to update your installation to a new version (if any).

Updating from within Visual Paradigm

There are two methods you can take to update your installation. The method introduced in this section works on all operating systems, while the method to introduce in the next section works only on Windows and Linux.

  1. Start Visual Paradigm.
  2. Select Help > Update from the application toolbar.
    Running Visual Paradigm Update
    Running Visual Paradigm Update
  3. This runs the Visual Paradigm Update program. Keep Visual Paradigm update server selected and click Check update to update your installation to the latest build. If you have a specific place where the update file is stored, select Internal update server, fill in the URL and click Check update. If you are using Visual Paradigm Update Server, you should choose the Internal update server option.
    Visual Paradigm Update
    Visual Paradigm Update

    NOTE: The update process will modify/add files under your Visual Paradigm installation directory. For Windows user, you may need to run Visual Paradigm as administrator in order to allow the update program to run through the update process with the required permission. To run Visual Paradigm as administrator, right click on its executable in the bin folder or its shortcut and select Run as Administrator to start it up.
    NOTE: A patch is special build made that contains specific bug fix/enhancement, made for specific users.
    When and only when you are asked by Visual Paradigm to update to the latest patch build, click Update to latest patch.
    NOTE: If you need to configure a proxy server for connection, click Proxy setting at bottom left.
  4. Click Perform Update. If there is a new version and if your software maintenance agreement is active, you will see an option for upgrading to the new version. If you choose to upgrade to the new version, the update program will help you to grab the new license upon the finishing of upgrade.
  5. Allow the program download and update the files for you. When a file is found modified both in the latest build and the installation, you need to select whether to keep the local copy, by clicking Ignore update or to apply the latest version by clicking Overwrite. When a file is found removed in the latest build but exist in the installation, it will be listed in red. Since the file is obsolete and has already been removed in the latest version, neither Overwrite button nor Ignore update button will be shown on screen. It will be removed without choice.
  6. Click Complete when finish.

Updating from external update program

The method described in this section works only on Windows and Linux. If you use Mac, please read the previous section instead.

  1. Run the Visual Paradigm Update program. You can run it under %Visual-Paradigm_Install_DIR%\bin.
    Running Visual Paradigm Update
    Running Visual Paradigm Update
  2. This runs the Visual Paradigm Update program. Keep Visual Paradigm update server selected and click Check update to update your installation to the latest build. If you have a specific place where the update file is stored, select Internal update server, fill in the URL and click Check update. If you are using Visual Paradigm Update Server, you should choose the Internal update server option.
    Visual Paradigm Update
    Visual Paradigm Update
    NOTE: The update process will modify/add files under your Visual Paradigm installation directory. For Windows user, you may need to run Visual Paradigm as administrator in order to allow the update program to run through the update process with the required permission. To run Visual Paradigm as administrator, right click on its executable in the bin folder or its shortcut and select Run as Administrator to start it up.
    NOTE: A patch is special build made that contains specific bug fix/enhancement, made for specific users.
    When and only when you are asked by Visual Paradigm to update to the latest patch build, click Update to latest patch.
    NOTE: If you need to configure a proxy server for connection, click Proxy setting at bottom left.
  3. Click Perform Update. If there is a new version and if your software maintenance agreement is active, you will see an option for upgrading to the new version. If you choose to upgrade to the new version, the update program will help you to grab the new license upon the finishing of upgrade.
  4. Allow the program download and update the files for you. When a file is found modified both in the latest build and the installation, you need to select whether to keep the local copy, by clicking Ignore update or to apply the latest version by clicking Overwrite. When a file is found removed in the latest build but exist in the installation, it will be listed in red. Since the file is obsolete and has already been removed in the latest version, neither Overwrite button nor Ignore update button will be shown on screen. It will be removed without choice.
  5. Click Complete when finish.

Related Resources

The following resources may help you to learn more about the topic discussed in this page.

Chapter 1. Product Update Table of Contents 2. Automatic Update Notification

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