How to Create Use Cases from BPMN Tasks?

Business process diagram can be used in visualizing a business workflow. When you want to identify the use cases of a system, business process diagram can be a useful reference in that it lets you derive system goals by considering what the stakeholders do day-by-day, represented by tasks and sub-processes. In Visual Paradigm, you can create use cases from BPMN tasks and sub-processes with the use of Model Transitor.

Transit a BPD to use case diagram

To form a use case diagram from all tasks and sub-processes in a BPD:

  1. Right click on the background of the BPD and select Utilities > Transit to Use Case Diagram... from the popup menu.
  2. On the left hand side of the Transit Model Element window, you can select the use cases to be created. You can select a use case to edit its name and the other properties on the right hand side.
  3. Click OK to form the diagram. This will create a new use case diagram under UeXceler, with use cases in it. If your project has UeXceler disabled, a general use case diagram will be formed.

Transit a specific BPMN task/sub-process to use case


To form a use case diagram from all tasks and sub-processes in a BPD:

  1. Right click on the task/sub-process and select Related Elements > Transit to New Use Case... from the popup menu.
  2. On the right hand side of the Transit Model Element window, you can edit the name and the other properties of the use case.
  3. Click OK to continue. This will create a new use case diagram under UeXceler, with the new use case in it. If your project has UeXceler disabled, a general use case diagram will be formed.

Related Resources

The following resources may help you to learn more about the topic discussed in this page.

8. Data object Table of Contents Chapter 2. Conversation Diagram

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