How to Create Floor Plan?

Want to create a floor plan? We will provide you with an introduction to floor plans and let you know how you can create a floor plan with our floor plan maker.

How to create floor plan

What is a Floor Plan?

A floor plan is a diagram that shows you the layout of an area from above. Floor plans typically show the location of walls, windows, and doors, as well as installations such as furniture, cabinetry, and appliances. Floor plans are usually drawn to scale and will indicate room types and room dimensions.

Floor plan diagram example

Purpose of Floor Plans

A floor plan is a visual representation of the layout of an area such as a house or other architectural structure. Floor plans are created to serve the purposes below:

  • When furnishing a house, office, restaurant, school, and so on
  • As a blueprint to use when constructing a building
  • Configuration of electrical installations, lighting, etc.
  • Sitting plan in event organizing
  • Renovation of a room or a building

A floor plan is an architectural drawing showing the spatial layout of a particular area. Floor plans present physical details of fixtures and may include notes for construction to specify finishes, construction methods, or symbols for electrical items.

How to Draw Floor Plan?

  1. Select Diagram > New from the main menu.
  2. In the New Diagram window, select Floor Plan and click Next.
    Select floor plan
  3. Select an existing floor plan template, or select Blank to create from scratch. Click Next.
  4. Enter the diagram name and click OK.
  5. Drag and drop the floor plan symbols from the palette onto the canvas.
    Create floor plan
  6. When you finished, you can export the diagram as an image (JPG, PNG, PDF, SVG, etc) and share it with your friends or co-workers (Project > Export > Active Diagram as Image…).

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