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Visual Paradigm 教程

我們的教程專就各類您關切題目提供詳盡的介紹和指引,讓您成為軟件開發的專家。我們會定期上載新的教程並更新現有教程,歡迎常來查來,以幫助您掌握使用 Visual Paradigm。


Eclipse Tutorial: How to Access Database WITHOUT SQL?


  • Draw entity relationship diagram with sample data
  • Synchronize to class diagram
  • Generate database and code
  • Programming database application in Eclipse

How to Generate Java from UML Class Diagram in NetBeans?


  • General class modeling
  • Generating Java source code from class model

How to Annotate UML Shapes?


  • Creating an Annotation Layer
  • Hiding an Annotation Layer

How to Attach File Reference to Model?


  • Defining diagram reference
  • Navigation between referenced diagrams

How to Animate a UML Activity Diagram?


  • Animating flows in Activity Diagram
  • Exporting animation to HTML

How to Generate Redshift Database from ERD?


  • Design Redshift database with ERD
  • Generate database

UML Stereotype Tutorial - Working with Styles


  • Creating stereotype
  • Defining formatting properties for stereotype
  • Extending class from stereotype

How to Customize SysML Requirement Types?


  • Configuring requirement types
  • Creating requirements

Generating Database Change Script


Teach you how to generate alter statements to patch existing Oracle database to latest database design.

How to Fill-in a UML State's Body?


  • Define pre-/post-condition for actions within the state
  • Show/hide states' pre-/post-condition in diagram

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