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Visual Paradigm 教程

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UML Getting Started - UML Modeling in Eclipse


  • Installing Eclipse integration
  • Creating UML model from Java project
  • Generate code from UML model
  • Developing Java application

Generating C# from Class Diagram in Visual Studio?


  • General class modeling
  • Generating C# code from class model

How to Keep ERD and Data Dictionary Synchronized?


  • Data modeling
  • Producing data dictionary
  • Keep data dictionary up-to-date

Data Flow Diagram with Examples - Video Rental System Example


  • Description of DFD Example
  • Tips and Cautions

Introduction to BPMN Part I


  • What is BPMN?
  • Basic Constructs

Data Flow Diagram with Examples - Securities Trading Platform


  • Description of DFD Example
  • Tips and Cautions

Oracle Database Design with Entity Relationship Diagram


Step by step tutorial teaches how to design database with entity relationships diagram (ERD) and generate Oracle database schema in Visual Paradigm.

How to Draw UML Sequence Diagram?


  • Creating sub-sequence diagram from class
  • Creating lifeline from classes
  • Constructing sequence diagram

Comparing Logical and Physical ERD


  • Drawing a simple logical ERD
  • From Logical ERD to Physical ERD
  • Comparing Logical and Physical ERD with Visual Diff

Introduction to BPMN Part IV - Data and Artifacts


  • Data
  • Group
  • Text Annotation
  • Case Study - The True Aqua Distilled Water Company (Cont.)

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