Visual Paradigm 16.3 Released

Apr 19, 2021 - Visual Paradigm International Limited announced today the release of Visual Paradigm 16.3.

Visual Paradigm 16.3 introduces a number of new features, which includes:
  • Support of OpenAPI specification v3 in API generation
  • Supported importing Swagger, OpenAPI, YAML and JSON
  • [Online Diagram] Hexagonal architecture diagram
  • [Online Diagram] 4Qs framework
  • [Chart] Grouped column chart
  • [Chart] Stacked column chart
  • [Chart] 100% stacked column chart
  • [Chart] Grouped bar chart
  • [Chart] Stacked bar chart
  • [Chart] 100% stacked bar chart
  • [Chart] Curved line chart
  • [Chart] Stacked line chart
  • [Chart] Step chart
  • [Chart] Stacked area chart
  • [Chart] 100% stacked area chart
  • [Chart] Stepped area chart
  • [Chart] Column and line chart
  • [Chart] Grouped column and line chart
  • [Chart] Stacked column and line chart
  • [Chart] Butterfly chart
  • [Chart] Double doughnut chart
  • [Chart] Nightingale rose chart
  • [Chart] Stacked radial chart
  • [Chart] 100% stacked radial chart
  • [Chart] Stacked rose chart
  • [Chart] 100% stacked rose chart
  • [Chart] Floating column chart
  • [Chart] Floating bar chart
  • [Chart] Stream graph
  • [Chart] Candlestick
  • [Chart] OHLC chart
  • [Chart] Sankey diagram
  • [Chart] Difference chart
  • [Chart] Punch card
  • [Chart] 360 punch card
  • [Chart] Boxplot
  • [Chart] Marimekko chart
  • [Chart] Stacked bar mekko chart
  • [Chart] Variwide chart
  • [Chart] Range area chart
  • [Chart] Range spline area chart
  • [Chart] Range step area chart

Enhancements to Visual Paradigm 16.3 includes:
  • Matrix - Supported multiple relationship types
  • Matrix - Supported showing elements' user ID in matrix's column and row header
  • Supported auto org. chart layout - horizontal vs vertical
  • Doc. Composer - Supported organizing user-defined templates with folders
  • Doc. Composer - Supported outputting PostMania post content to report
  • Shows package structure in name completion
  • Show/hide call message return type
  • Supported re-arranging items in a CJM cell
  • Supported more primitive shape types
  • Upgraded VP Server bundled Tomcat to version
  • Upgraded VP Server bundled JQuery to version 3.5.1

Pricing and Availability

Visual Paradigm 16.3 is now available through the Visual Paradigm online shop ( and through Visual Paradigm authorized resellers ( Visual Paradigm is available under both single-seat (developer-based) and floating licenses. Single seat license is available at US $1,999, US $799, US $349 and $99 per seat for Enterprise, Professional, Standard and Modeler, respectively, while floating license is available at US $2,599, US $999, US $449 and $129 per concurrent access for Enterprise, Professional, Standard and Modeler, respectively. They both include one-year software maintenance, which covers all the version upgrades and customer supports within a year since the purchasing.

Visual Paradigm

Visual Paradigm is an award-winning enterprise management and software development suite, which provides all the tools you needs for enterprise architecture, project management, software development and team collaboration. Visual Paradigm is designed for a wide range of users including enterprise architects, project managers, software developers, system analysts, business analysts, system architects, and anyone who are in need of building large-scale software systems using a scrum method and object-oriented approach. Visual Paradigm supports the latest UML and BPMN standards, and is also a perfect complement to agile scrum processes. The Visual Paradigm features page is located at

Visual Paradigm International Limited

Visual Paradigm International Limited is a leading and globally recognized provider for Business and IT Transformation software solutions. It enables organizations to improve business and IT agility and foster innovation through popular open standards. Visual Paradigm is trusted by over 320,000 users in companies ranging from small business, consultants, to blue chip organizations, universities and government units across the globe.

Media Contacts
Public Relations
Visual Paradigm International Limited
Hong Kong: +852 2744 8722