Part I. Getting started

Part II. UML modeling

Part III. Project glossary

Part IV. BPMN toolset

Part V. Project management

Part VI. Modeling toolset

Part VII. ArchiMate tools

Part VIII. Team collaboration

Part IX. Code engineering

Part X. Database design and engineering

Part XI. Advanced modeling toolset

Part XII. Document production

Part XIII. Business modeling

Part XIV. Business rule

Part XV. Agile development

Part XVI. Wireframe

Part XVII. Impact analysis

Part XVIII. CMMN toolset

Part XIX. SoaML modeling

Part XX. Design animation

Part XXI. IDE Integration

Part XXII. Interoperability and integration

Part XXIII. Process simulation

Part XXIV. Zachman and BMM

Part XXV. Appendix A - Application Options

Part XXVI. Appendix B - Project Options

Part XXVII. Appendix C


Format Copier

Format is defined as the properties for a shape in terms of fill, line and font. Shapes are formatted for two major reasons: making your project more attractive and giving emphasis on the meaning of shapes. However, it would be troublesome and time-consuming to repeat the same action when you need other shapes to have exactly the same format as the previous one you have already done. Format copier can deal with this problem for you. It's so handy that you can clone the formatting properties from one shape to another or even more.

Copying format to another shape

If you want another shape to have exactly the same formatting properties as the previous one you have done, you can simply:

  1. Click on the shape that you want its format to be cloned.
  2. Select Diagram > Format Copier from the toolbar.
    Click Copier
    Click Copier
  3. Click the shape you want to format.
    Clone the format property from one shape to another
    Clone the format property from one shape to another
NOTE: You can copy formatting to another type(s) of shape.

Copying format to multiple shapes

If you want the format properties of your previous shape to be cloned to more than one shape, you should:

  1. Click on the shape that you want its format to be cloned.
  2. Select Diagram and double click on the Format Copier button on toolbar.
    Double click Copier
    Double click Copier
  3. Click the shape you want to format.
    Clone the format property from one to multiple shapes
    Clone the format property from one to multiple shapes
NOTE: If you don't want the format properties to be cloned to other shapes any more, you should cancel cloning by clicking Copier once again.
NOTE: You can only copy format to shapes within the same diagram.

Related Resources

The following resources may help you to learn more about the topic discussed in this page.

5. Setting connector caption orientation Table of Contents 7. Set connection point style

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