Visual Paradigm Database Designer Guides


Drawing Entity Relationship Diagram

Learn how to draw entity, how to add column and how to create relationship between entities.


Conceptual, Logical and Physical Data Model

Conceptual, logical and physical model are three different ways of modeling data in a domain. In this page you will learn what they are and how to transit from one model to another.


Using Entity Domain

An entity domain is a named set of property values that can be re-used by an entity. In this article you will learn how to define and use entity domain.


Using Column Domain

A column domain is a named set of property values that can be re-used by a column. In this article you will learn how to define and use column domain.


Applying Default Schema on ERD

A default schema can be used to easily move entities on an ERD to a common schema. You will know how it works by reading this page.


Using Auto Column

Auto Column provides you with a quick way in creating entities in ERD. This page describes how to configure auto column and how to use it in creating entities in an ERD.


Entering Sample Table Records for Entities

Enter sample table records in ERD, and have the records exported to your database in database generation. This article shows you how it works.


Modeling Database View

A database view is the result of a query on the data stored in a database. This page describes how to create a database view.


Modeling Stored Procedures in ERD

In Visual Paradigm, stored procedure is modeled in form of a procedure container. This article shows you how to create stored procedure.


Modeling Triggers in ERD

In Visual Paradigm, trigger is modeled in form of a trigger container. This article shows you how to create trigger.


Working with Unique Constraint

Unique constraints help to enforce the uniqueness of specific columns. In this page, you will see how to create unique constraints for entities in ERD.


Using ID Generator

Some databases support controlling how primary key value can be generated, through the use of an ID generator. In this article you will learn how to select an ID generator for a primary key.


Different Inheritance Strategies

Inheritance strategy is used to define the way how entities should be created and structured to respect an object model. You will learn what inheritance strategy is and how to set it in this page.


Using Discriminator Column

Discriminator column contains a unique value that can be used for identifying the entity in which a table record belongs to. In this article you will learn what discriminator column is.


Using Array Table

Retrieve objects in the form of primitive array, instead of a collection when handling a data column with cardinality of many. This article shows you how Array Table works in Visual Paradigm.


Using Partial Table

Optimize the size of database, and minimizes the redundant persistent classes for handling one-to-one identifying relationship. In this page, you will learn how to work with partial table.


Mapping Object Model to Data Model

Visual Paradigm supports Object Relational Mapping (ORM) which maps object models to entity relational models and vice versa. This article shows you everything about mapping object model to data model.


Mapping Data Model to Object Model

Visual Paradigm supports Object Relational Mapping (ORM) which maps data model to object model and vice versa. This article shows you everything about mapping data model to object model.


Synchronizing object model and data model

Visual Paradigm supports mapping object model (class diagram) with data model (Entity Relationship Diagram). This article shows you how to synchronize them.

5. Supported Database, JDBC Drivers and .NET Drivers Table of Contents 1. Drawing Entity Relationship Diagram

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