Floating License

Floating License allows you to deliver development software to every user in your organization without paying for unique licenses for every developer. Save money with floating licenses by only purchasing licenses for the number of people that will use Visual Paradigm at the same time, while still giving your entire organization access to Visual Paradigm.

Why Floating License?

Cost Saving

Just need to purchase enough number of licenses that will run Visual Paradigm at the same time, instead of buying licenses for all developers in your organization.

Easy to install and configure

Our license server can be run on multiple platforms (Windows, Linux, Mac OS X and all Java-Enabled Platforms); you can install it in less then 10 minutes. Configure the client pointing to the license server is also a simple job.

Automatic License Sharing

Floating License automatically manages and shares the licenses through the network. When the client connects to the license server, the server will assign him a license until the license limit has been reached. Once it disconnect from the server, the license will be released automatically and the other user can start using Visual Paradigm with that license.


License Key Import/Export Mechanism

Export the license key to local computer and work with the software without accessing the license server (i.e. working at home or visiting your client). You can import the license key back anytime when you are connected to the server.

Querying the License Usage

Having a clear view on the license usage helps in achieving better resource planning. The License Key Manager shows you who is using which product together with the number of available/total licenses on the servers (up to 4 servers).

Automatic Notification for Problem in Requesting License

Notify the in charged person automatically when recorded any problem in requesting license (i.e. running out of license). This helps to keep your team running smooth.

Floating License is available for Visual Paradigm (except Community Edition). To know more about the pricing, please refer to here.

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