Complete Price List


Visual Paradigm 17.1

Single License Prices are provided in US dollars

Edition Unit Price (with 1 year maintenance)
Enterprise $1999.00
Professional $799.00
Standard $349.00
Modeler $99.00
Community FREE for Non-Commercial Use
Viewer FREE

A discount of 30% is available when purchasing 5 or more copies of Visual Paradigm Enterprise license per order.

A discount of 5% is available when purchasing 5 - 9 copies of Visual Paradigm Modeler/Standard/Professional license per order, while a discount of 10% is available for purchasing 10 or more copies. Note that the discount is available on a per-product basis.

For purchasing 50 or more licenses, please contact our sales team.

Floating License

Edition Unit Price (with 1 year maintenance)
Enterprise $2599.00
Professional $999.00
Standard $449.00
Modeler $129.00
Community Not Applicable
Viewer Not Applicable

A discount of 30% is available when purchasing 5 or more copies of Visual Paradigm Enterprise license per order.

A discount of 5% is available when purchasing 5 - 9 copies of Visual Paradigm Modeler/Standard/Professional license per order, while a discount of 10% is available for purchasing 10 or more copies. Note that the discount is available on a per-product basis.

For purchasing 50 or more licenses, please contact our sales team.

Subscription License

Edition Unit Price (per month) Unit Price (per 3 months)
Enterprise $99.00 $297.00
Professional $39.00 $105.00
Standard $19.00 $57.00
Modeler $6.00 $18.00

Teamwork Server 17.1

Edition Unit Price (with 1 year maintenance)
Corporate $3999.00

Version Upgrades (Software Maintenance)

All version upgrades of Visual Paradigm and customer supports are included as part of our software maintenance packages. Customers are entitled to all version upgrades released within their software maintenance period. By purchasing Visual Paradigm, a one-year software maintenance is included for free. Customers can purchase a maintenance package of up to three years in duration.

The following table lists the pricing details for our software maintenance packages.

Visual Paradigm Enterprise

1 Year Maintenance
(extend current maintenance)
1 Year Maintenance
(reinstate expired maintenance)
Single Seat $600.00 $900.00
Floating $800.00 $1200.00

Visual Paradigm Professional

1 Year Maintenance
(extend current maintenance)
1 Year Maintenance
(reinstate expired maintenance)
Single Seat $200.00 $300.00
Floating $300.00 $400.00

Visual Paradigm Standard

1 Year Maintenance
(extend current maintenance)
1 Year Maintenance
(reinstate expired maintenance)
Single Seat $100.00 $150.00
Floating $150.00 $200.00

Visual Paradigm Modeler

1 Year Maintenance
(extend current maintenance)
1 Year Maintenance
(reinstate expired maintenance)
Single Seat $30.00 $40.00
Floating $50.00 $60.00

Teamwork Server

1 Year Maintenance
(extend current maintenance)
1 Year Maintenance
(reinstate expired maintenance)
Teamwork Server $1200.00 $1800.00


Visual Paradigm's software has been adopted by many organizations in the worldwide, including Fortune 500 and Fortune 1000 companies. For more details, please visit the Visual Paradigm selected users list.

Single-Seat License

Visual Paradigm's single-seat (team-member-based) license allows a licensee to install the software on a computer that belongs and provides sole access to the named user only. Since the license is team-member-based, the software must be used by the licensee only without running concurrently. The single-seat license only allows installation on a maximum of three computers.

Floating License

The floating license supports sharing of the pool of licenses among your team. Instead of purchasing a single-seat license for each team member, optimize your budget by purchasing floating licenses for the maximum number of simultaneous software users or access points. This approach allows greater flexibility in using our software. Users can then use the software offsite (to deliver a presentation, for example) by exporting the license files to a laptop and then import the license back to the server at a later time.

In order to work with the floating license, installation of a floating license server that stores the license key file(s) and also automatically manages access requests from clients are required. The client must enable the connection to the license server when requesting access to the software.

For more information about floating licenses, please visit Floating License

Community License

Community licenses are free for non-commercial use and have no time limitation. The Community Edition does not only support the latest UML notation but also provides several advanced features such as entity relationship diagrams (ERD) for data modeling.

Academic License

Educational institutions that join the Academic Partner Program are entitled to academic licenses for Visual Paradigm. The academic license is not limited to the use on campus but can also be used by students and teachers.

For more information about academic licenses, please visit Academic Partners

Contact Our Sales Team

The Visual Paradigm Sales Team is committed to assisting our customers with any licensing or sales issues regarding Visual Paradigm products. If you have inquiries about licensing, purchasing or product upgrades, please do not hesitate to contact our Sales Team at Support

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