Doc. Composer - Fill-in Doc
Introduction to Doc. Composer's Fill-in Doc Mode
The Fill-in Doc mode of Doc. Composer is designed to help you "fill-in" the design details of your documentation. This article will show you how it works.
Let Doc. Composer fill-in your project document with the use of Doc Base. You will learn what Doc Base is in this article.
Add special fields into a Doc Base. Let Doc. Composer replaces the content for you with real design specification.
In this page you will learn how to create a fill-in doc in Doc. Composer.
Open a Doc Base, and then touch-up the document in Doc. Composer before exporting. You will learn how it works in this article.
Take a quick look at the document file that will be generated with the applied Doc Base.
Generate your project documentation from Doc. Composer in Visual Paradigm.
Check out a list of available Doc. Fields. Learn their syntax and know how to write Doc Fields in your document.
Read this section to learn how to retrieve a diagram or diagrams, and to output content like the diagram's image, name or a list of containing diagram elements, etc.
Learn how to retrieve a model element or elements, and to output content like the element's name, description, or a list of member elements (e.g. attributes of class, columns of entity), etc.
Learn the ways to retrieve a shape or shapes, and to output content like the shape's name, description, or a list of member elements (e.g. attributes of class, columns of entity), etc.
${TEXT} field is a placeholder of content that can only be provided when generating a document, such as project name or author name. You will learn the use of such a Doc Field in this article.
In this section we will introduce the various kinds of table you can create in a Doc Base, and explain how to create such tables by writing Doc Fields.
Managing Doc Templates in Team Environment
Share Doc Templates among team members. Let the entire team to compose document based on a common set of Doc Templates.
20. Managing Styles in Team Environment | Table of Contents | 1. Introduction to the Fill-in Doc Mode |