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Visual Paradigm 教程

我们的教程专就各类您关切题目提供详尽的介绍和指引,让您成为软件开发的专家。我们会定期上载新的教程并更新现有教程,欢迎常来查来,以帮助您掌握使用 Visual Paradigm。


How to Bridge the Flows between Parent and Sub-Diagrams?


  • Elaborate model element with sub-diagram
  • Link up the flows from elements in parent diagram to child diagram
  • Show/hide in and out flows connector

How to Use Stereotypes in EPC Diagram?


  • Configuring a stereotype
  • Adding tagged value
  • Assigning stereotype to a shape
  • Showing tagged values on the diagram

Mediator Pattern Tutorial


This tutorial is aimed to guide the definition and application of mediator design pattern. By reading this tutorial, you will know how to develop a model for the mediator pattern, and how to apply it in practice.

How to Hide-Away Toolbar Buttons in Visual Paradigm?


  • Using Customize UI dialog box
  • Test customized UI

How to Define Custom Model Element Properties?


  • Defining Default Tagged Values
  • Entering Tagged Values
  • Showing Tagged Values on Diagram

User Story Tutorial - Using Tag


  • Why tagging is needed?
  • How to create tag?
  • How to add a tag to user story?
  • How to filter the screen to show user stories with specific tag?

How to Extract Glossary Term from Shape Name?


  • Draw use case diagram for online wine shop
  • Identify and describe glossary term
  • Open a term from diagram

How to Edit Model Elements with Excel?


  • Exporting to Excel
  • Importing from Excel

How to Bookmark Shapes? - A BPMN Example


  • Creating a Bookmark
  • Revisiting a Bookmarked Item
  • Organizing Bookmarks

How to Customize Element Templates in Doc. Composer?


Write your own element templates to use in Doc. Composer. In this tutorial, we will show you how to do this.

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