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Visual Paradigm 教程

我们的教程专就各类您关切题目提供详尽的介绍和指引,让您成为软件开发的专家。我们会定期上载新的教程并更新现有教程,欢迎常来查来,以帮助您掌握使用 Visual Paradigm。


What is ArchiMate? How to Draw ArchiMate Diagram?


  • Understanding ArchiMate
  • Drawing ArchiMate Diagram

How to Apply Numbering for Messages in Sequence Diagram?


  • Specify scope for sequence message numbering

How to Draw BPMN 2.0 Business Process Diagram?


  • Drawing business process diagram
  • Creating choreography tasks
  • Creating intermediate events

Data Flow Diagram with Examples - Vehicle Maintenance Depot


  • Description of DFD Example
  • Tips and Cautions

What is SoaML? How to Draw SoaML Diagrams?


  • Drawing Service Interface Diagram
  • Specifying Choreography Using UML Sequence Diagram
  • Drawing Service Participant Diagram
  • Drawing Service Contract Diagram
  • Drawing Services Architecture Diagram

How to Generate RACI from BPMN Process Map?


  • Learning RACI chart
  • Generating RACI chart from BPD
  • Output RACI chart to report

How to Organize Domain and Implementation Model?


  • Working with model explorer
  • Transiting domain model
  • Compare models

How to Create Use Cases from Business Process Diagram (BPD)?


  • Creating use case from task
  • Trace between use case and task

How to Draw Wireframe for Android Apps?


  • Understanding Android Wireframe
  • Drawing an Android Wireframe
  • Exporting a Wireframe as Image

How to Draw UML Communication Diagram?


  • Understanding communication diagram
  • Drawing swimlane
  • Drawing actor and lifelines
  • Adding messages to links between lifelines

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