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Visual Paradigm 教程

我们的教程专就各类您关切题目提供详尽的介绍和指引,让您成为软件开发的专家。我们会定期上载新的教程并更新现有教程,欢迎常来查来,以帮助您掌握使用 Visual Paradigm。


How to Gather Requirements with UeXceler? (YouTube Example)


  • Effective requirements gathering
  • Know what UeXceler is
  • How to operate with Visual Paradigm in requirements gathering

How to Draw ONE Class Diagram for Java, C# and VB?


  • Creating a project with Java data-set
  • Presenting class model in C#

Oracle Database Design Tool


Visual Paradigm provides visual database and UML design environment for design oracle database, generate DDL, Java source and Hibernate mapping.

How to Generate Sequence Diagram from User Story?


  • Write user story
  • Generate sequence diagram

How to Use Java Round-Trip Engineering?


  • Generating Java from Class Diagram
  • Updating UML Class Model from Java

How to Write Testing Procedure in Use Case Flow of Events?


  • reading flow of events of use case
  • creating test cases

How to Develop a Customer Journey Map?


  • What is Customer Journey Map?
  • How to create a Customer Journey Map?

Singleton Pattern Tutorial


This tutorial is aimed to guide the definition and application of singleton design pattern. By reading this tutorial, you will know how to develop a model for the signletion pattern, and how to apply it in practice.

How to Use Sub-Diagrams?


  • Elaborate model element with sub-diagrams
  • Navigation between model element and sub-diagrams

How to Generate ERD from Redshift Database


  • Reverse engineer entities from Redshift database
  • Form an ERD

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