
What is a sprint?

User stories are grouped into a logical, time-boxed iteration, known as a sprint. In this article you will learn more about sprint.


Adding a sprint

User stories are grouped into a logical, time-boxed iteration call sprint. You will learn how to add a sprint in this article.


Adding user stories into a sprint

In this article we will show you how to add user stories into an existing sprint.


Adjusting sprint duration

If you want to adjust the start and end date, or sprint duration, read this article to learn how it works.


Configuring Sprint Members

In this article you will learn how to add and remove members into a sprint.


Assigning user stories to team members

You can assign user stories to those sprint members so that they can carry on managing/executing the development activities. In this article you will learn how to add user stories to members.


Closing a sprint

When the development activities of all the user stories are done and verified, you may close the sprint to move on to the next sprint. This article shows you how to close a sprint.


Deleting a sprint

If a sprint was created by mistake, you can delete it. This article shows you how to delete a sprint in UeXceler.


Using Kanban Board

Kanban Board is one of the most popular agile tool that helps scrum teams visualize the progress of a sprint. This article will show you how it works.

Chapter 3. Affinity Table Table of Contents 1. What is a sprint?

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