Visual Paradigm 16.2 Released

Jul 22, 2020 - Visual Paradigm International Limited announced today the release of Visual Paradigm 16.2.

Visual Paradigm 16.2 introduces a number of new features, which includes:
Enhancements to Visual Paradigm 16.2 includes:
  • Supported dragging and dropping diagrams to logical view folder
  • 'Fit Size' with shortcut key
  • Automatically update referenced projects upon project update
  • Display a column's default value on an ER diagram
  • Analysis canvas - Supported splitting a cell into half vertically/horizontally
  • Analysis canvas - Supported merging adjacent cells in a region
  • Analysis canvas - Supported swapping the content of adjacent cells in a region
  • Supported the alignment of port shapes
  • Supported nested ports in SysML diagrams
  • Supported adjusting the column width of ETL Table shapes
  • Supported reusing globally defined enumerations in project stereotypes
  • Supported visualizing the relationships of connectors
  • [Form Builder] Reduced default form width
  • [Form Builder] Show/hide form fields conditionally
  • [Form Builder] Improved performance in form editing
  • [Form Builder] Increased vertical spacing between form fields
  • [Form Builder] Improved the alignment of form field labels
  • [Form Builder] Supported displaying checkboxes and radio buttons in multiple columns
  • [Form Builder] Supported aligning image content in an image field
  • [Form Builder] Supported 'fit form' for image field
  • [Form Builder] Default collector
  • [Form Builder] Single collector can now receive submissions from multiple channels manual entry, from URL, embedded form
  • [Form Builder] Indicated the number of submissions of a form in top bar

Pricing and Availability

Visual Paradigm 16.2 is now available through the Visual Paradigm online shop ( and through Visual Paradigm authorized resellers ( Visual Paradigm is available under both single-seat (developer-based) and floating licenses. Single seat license is available at US $1,999, US $799, US $349 and $99 per seat for Enterprise, Professional, Standard and Modeler, respectively, while floating license is available at US $2,599, US $999, US $449 and $129 per concurrent access for Enterprise, Professional, Standard and Modeler, respectively. They both include one-year software maintenance, which covers all the version upgrades and customer supports within a year since the purchasing.

Visual Paradigm

Visual Paradigm is an award-winning enterprise management and software development suite, which provides all the tools you needs for enterprise architecture, project management, software development and team collaboration. Visual Paradigm is designed for a wide range of users including enterprise architects, project managers, software developers, system analysts, business analysts, system architects, and anyone who are in need of building large-scale software systems using a scrum method and object-oriented approach. Visual Paradigm supports the latest UML and BPMN standards, and is also a perfect complement to agile scrum processes. The Visual Paradigm features page is located at

Visual Paradigm International Limited

Visual Paradigm International Limited is a leading and globally recognized provider for Business and IT Transformation software solutions. It enables organizations to improve business and IT agility and foster innovation through popular open standards. Visual Paradigm is trusted by over 320,000 users in companies ranging from small business, consultants, to blue chip organizations, universities and government units across the globe.

Media Contacts
Public Relations
Visual Paradigm International Limited
Hong Kong: +852 2744 8722