Advanced Model Management Toolset

Various analysis and design features, including design pattern, Transitor and visual diff.

Project Referencing

Project Referencing

By establishing references among projects, you can re-use model elements in another project. You don't need to re-create same thing again and again. This not only save your design effort but also keep your model consistent.

Model refactoring

Transfer diagrams and model elements in between referenced projects through refactoring.

Duplicate model elements from reference project

Clone reference project's model element to current project.

Model-to-Model Transformation*

Modeling is not just diagramming. It involves model evolving, refinement and traceability. Model baggage is a Visual Paradigm's unique feature for automating model refinement and reusability, making the model transformation process automated, reliable and traceable among models.

Model-to-Model Transformation

Model Transitor

Produce a target model from the baseline and start editing. For instance, you may create a Physical ER model from Conceptual/Logical model, or to create a To-be business process model from the As-is model. Traceability is maintained in background, which enables you to navigate through the models smoothly.

Model Transitor

Shape Legend

Quickly create the right type of shape by using the shape legend. Creating a shape from a shape legend is just a matter of dragging and dropping. It also ensures that you are working correctly, as it only shows the types of elements available under the selected view of the chart.

Shape Legend
Color Legend

Color Legend

Use shape legend as a form of annotation that illustrates the type of diagram shape being used. You can also create diagrams with a set of pre-defined shapes for a specific viewpoint. This way you can focus on shapes that are important for that particular viewpoint without being distracted by the huge collection of shapes for visual modeling language.

Reuse Elements with Model Extractor

Save unnecessary rework time while increasing the efficiency of your schedule by reusing the same elements in different architectural models. As part of the shape legend, the Model Extractor will analyze your project and list existing elements that can be reused in the current design. Select, confirm, and you're done! No more duplication of work.

Reuse Elements with Model Extractor

Single Model, Multiple Names

Multilingual development team is very common nowadays, and you may need to have your software design translated into multiple languages. Visual Paradigm lets you define multiple naming sets for model elements. There is no need to manage multiple copies of the same design in different projects and it is just a click to switch between languages.

Compare diagrams with Visual Diff

Compare two diagrams and identify their differences.

UML profile

Define stereotypes visually with UML profile. You can specify tagged values and relate stereotypes with generalization and composition.

Organize project data neatly using model

The Model Explorer provides a flexible tree structure to organize diagrams and model elements.

User-defined model element properties

Describe your model elements more specifically to your needs. Add custom properties by defining default tags to any model element type.

Define and apply design pattern

Reuse, refine, elaborate or transcribe portion of previous project's diagram using design pattern.

* Model-to-Model Transformation is available in Visual Paradigm Professional and Enterprise only

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