Scrum Process Canvas Customization

Redefine scrum process to fit your project's needs

Tailored Scrum process for a better fit

Although scrum is an effective and proven framework for software development, to get the most out of scrum you need to customize or tweak it in a way that increases the agility and better fit your project and team.

The Scrum Process Canvas is a scrum management tool. It presents actionable scrum activities in a one-page process canvas. Team members perform the activities to manage and complete a software project.

The Scrum Process Canvas is fully customizable, which allows you to add additional activities (e.g. certain meetings) and process deliverable (e.g. domain specific logs) into the scrum process, fitting your specific project needs.

Customized Scrum Process Canvas
Incorporate your work items

Use customized work items

Define your own project work items and embed it in the Scrum Process Canvas. For example, you may add a work item for a JAD session.

Compose your work item

Compose your work item

Make the work items actionable by defining their steps and the actions to perform. Hundreds of actionable items are available for use and customization.

Build your process report

Build your process report

Data collected under work items can be output as reports. You can easily build scrum process reports with the drag-and-drop Doc. Composer..

Process Canvas Editor

Customize the scrum process by introducing new work items or editing those existing ones. The editing mode of process canvas facilitates easy and flexible editing of process flow.

Include your work items into the canvas

Here are some features that help you include your own work items into the canvas:

  • Work Item Gallery - List of built-in and customized work items
  • Drag-and-drop to add work items from gallery to canvas
  • Use custom image for work item icon
  • Drag to resize and position work items
  • Font and other formatting settings

Insert custom images, text and URLs

Besides the process flow, you can include custom images, text and URL into the canvas for annotation, explanation and decoration. A wide range of editing and formatting functions are provided for you to edit those custom content.

Artifact shortcut

Place artifact shortcuts for any action artifacts within a work item. The use of shortcut allows quick access to a particular artifact. You don't need to browse through the steps of a work item to open an artifact. And like work items, shortcuts can be resize and repositioned freely. Icons can also be set to shortcuts.

Powerful Work Item Composer

Work items is the most important part of a process in that they represent the actual activities to perform and the information required under the process. The Work Item Composer features an array of authoring features that facilitate the development work items both for instructing process workers and for collecting the information required by the process.

Chunk your work item into steps

Reduce the complexity of a work by breaking down a work item into multiple steps. This allows the completion of work gradually from one stage to the next.

Define the action artifacts

Action artifacts are at the heart of work items because they define the actions to be performed. A rich set of actions can be defined for a wide range of purposes.

  • Diagram: Request the creation of a business/technical diagram. Over 80 diagram types are available.
  • Data Table: Develop a form or table to collect the information needed.
  • ETL Table: Extract and list a sub-set of model data. Allows the attachment of custom properties.
  • Text: Request a text input.
  • File: Request to provide a file.
  • Folder: Open a drawer in Visual File Cabinet.
  • Action: Execute an action. E.g Open Tasifier

Include instructions and examples

Provide guidance to process workers on how to complete a step. Document the instructions and include examples. You can write with rich text and include images and URLs in the content.

Define inputs and outputs

Sometimes, a work item involves receiving inputs from a user, does some work on or based on the inputs, and returns the results as outputs. You can define inputs for your work item. Depending on the kind of input defined, it may be a reference of output produced by another work item, or a request of information to be provided in runtime.

Build process reports with drag-and-drop

Besides process execution, you also can produce reports with the information collected under the work items. The drag-and-drop Doc. Composer allows you to build reports with the data you need and in the order you preferred. In runtime, when the information required by a report is provided, a Word report will be automatically generated.

Drag-and-drop Doc. Composer

Doc. Composer is a powerful report builder designed for custom report production. The report builder consists of a document editor and a list of process work items and artifacts. To develop a report, simply drag the artifacts onto the document in the order you preferred, and that's all! Report development has never been easier.

Visual file cabinet for auto-report archiving

Configure visual file cabinets to fit your needs. By associating process reports with the drawer, documents will be generated and filed in the drawer on the fly.

Reusing work items in different processes

Reusing work items in different processes

Work items are managed in a central repository. You can keep a single set of work item definition and reuse them in multiple processes. Changes made to the work item can be easily applied to processes in few clicks.

Turn every software project into a successful one.