ERD to Database, Database to ERD

Generate database from ERD. Reconstruct structure of a legacy system. Or jump start for a new one.

Generate Database from ERD

Generate Database from ERD

Design database with ERD, and generate it. The database generation tool validates your database design and produces the database initialization scripts required for database construction.

Generate Database Patch Scripts

Revise database design, and patch the changes to database. The database patch tool analyzes your database and produces the update scripts required to patch changes. Sophisticated checking would be applied to ensure patching will work whilst keeping existing data intact.

Generate Database Patch Scripts
Reverse Engineering ERD from Database

Reverse Engineering ERD from Database

Working with legacy database becomes even more challenging when the documentation has been lost in time. Make it available again by reverse-engineering the ERDs. Visually study the table structures and their relationships.

Wide Range of DBMS Support

Supports database generation and reversal for all popular databases in the market, including MySQL, MS SQL Server, Oracle, Sybase, PostgreSQL, HSQL, MariaDB, Derby, Informix, Firebird, SQLite, IBM DB2, FrontBase, H2, Amazon Redshift, Exasol, Teradata, AWS Athena and etc.

Wide Range of DBMS Support

Turn every software project into a successful one.