Nexus Canvas - A Nexus Framework Tool

Deliver better products with Nexus. Maximize project efficiency with a one-page Nexus process canvas.

Project artifact in one place - the canvas

Nexus Canvas is a map of actionable Nexus work items. It helps improve project efficiency for product delivery with the Nexus framework. Whether your software project involves a single team or multiple teams around the world, the Scrum tool keep everyone on the same page, same canvas.

"Hotspots" of your project data

You don't need to navigate to different pages to access your project data because things are all placed on the same page - the canvas. Just click into a work item to edit/browse the content you are interested in.

Plan and track Scrum events, roles & artifacts

The Nexus Canvas assists Scrum team to create project artifacts (e.g. backlog, stakeholder list, impediments), document events (e.g. sprint planning 1/2, sprint review & retrospective) and track progress.

User Story Map

. Create and manage user stories in a multi-level user story map. Re-arrange stories easily by drag-and-drop. Browse a story to get all the details about a user story, including its acceptance criteria, discussion notes, wireframes and more.

Plan better with detailed user stories


Form a checklist of user story acceptance criteria. Confirm them one-by-one in sprint review session.

User Story acceptance criteria

Handy Product Backlog Items Table

. It gives you a comprehensive list of all PBIs within your project. No matter how large your backlog is, you can always find the item(s) you want through searching and sorting.

Nexus report generation

Various agile scrum reports will be auto generated as your project progresses. These reports give your team critical insight into the Scrum process and makes communication more effective. You may also edit the reports through the Doc. Composer, which provides a convenient drag-and-drop interface for report editing.

Built-in task management platform

. The one-stop agile solution provides seamless integration between backlog and task management. You can create tasks, report and monitor progress' all in one place.
Integration with task management tool

Single software, multiple purposes

. Power up your scrum project with UML, BPMN, ERD, DFD, UX (wireframe, prototyping), code engineering, ORM, mind mapping and more.
Single software, multiple purposes.

Turn every software project into a successful one.