We make teamwork simpler for everyone

Bring everyone - be it your development team or other project stakeholders - together

Work collaboratively

We provide your team with a cloud-based repository [1] where members and projects are organized and accessible. Team members simply open a project from the repository, start working in Visual Paradigm, and then commit the changes back to the repository, and that's it. Changes are then accessible to all the other team members. You don't have to maintain any server or remote drive or perform any manual actions to get works shared among the team. Just have your team focus on their work and let us do everything else for you.

Below are the key benefits/features of our cloud-based team solution.

  • No hosting and installation required
  • Access your work anytime and anywhere
  • 1 GB FREE cloud storage (Can be upgraded for more storage)
  • Automatic in-tool notification for changes made by others
  • Merging of changes upon commit and update (not an overwrite)
  • Sophisticated permission settings
  • Apply diagram lock to avoid undesired changes
  • Work offline - Need not to connect to the repository when working
  • Active Directory / LDAP authentication
  • SAML authentication through Okta or Microsoft Azure
Work collaboratively
Work concurrently

Work concurrently

Waiting is costly. Our team solution lets everyone in your team work truly together, not just collaboratively but also simultaneously. Whenever changes are made and committed to repository, we merge them (Not overwrite!). We also detect and provide you with an intuitive interface in resolving any conflicted changes made between members.

[1] The cloud-based repository is also available as a self-hosted (on-premise) solution.

Powerful revision control

Keep revisions for your work

Your works versioned

Accumulate changes made by every member on revision basis.

Browse earlier revision

Browse earlier revision

Know the changes of a diagram through browsing its earlier revisions

Compare revisions

Compare revisions

Identify the area changed by comparing two revisions

Revert design changes

Revert changes

Roll back undesired changes made before.



Isolate changes by creating an independent workspace called 'branch'.



Create a project milestone by creating a tag.

It simplifies communication among team members

The built-in communication tool allows team members to communicate design ideas, clarify and confirm changes right on the diagrams. With posts and replies made to specific shape or shapes, members will have no ambiguity about the post content. The discussion history also helps members trace the reasons behind certain design decision.

Communication among team members

Stakeholder engagement matters

Stakeholder engagement is an essential practice in nowadays agile projects. We provide a number of features that help you keep stakeholders involved in the project and improve their satisfaction.

Online diagram browser

Project stakeholders can view the diagrams you shared through their web browsers. This allows them to review design, approve changes, etc.

Online diagram browser

Discuss and comment on design

When stakeholder browse a diagram, he/she may post their questions or comments on the diagram. Team members can then read the comments in Visual Paradigm and reply it accordingly.

Change request management

Clients can submit, initiate, and request approval for changes within independent branches. Approvers review changes online and provide feedback via PostMania, facilitating seamless collaboration and integration of design modifications. For more details about this feature, check here.

Turn every software project into a successful one.