The original database design for the Computer Sales project:
- Let's update the design. Rename entity Addresses to Customer_Addresses.
- Add a new column to entity Computer_Part by right clicking on it and selecting New Column from the popup menu.
- Enter discount : numeric(8, 2) as the column definition, press the Enter key and then the Esc key to confirm editing.
- Move the mouse cursor over Computer_Part, press on the One-to-Many Relationship -> Entity icon in the resource-centric interface, and drag to the empty region to create a new entity. Enter Part_Usage as entity name.
- Rename the automatically created FK (foreign key) column to part_id.
- Repeat the previous steps to add the following columns to Part_Usage.
- +usage_id : number(10)
- description : varchar2(1024)
- The design is now updated. To generate the scripts of changes, select Tools > Database > Generate Database... from the main menu.
- In the Database Code Generation dialog box, specify the output path of the DDL script file.
- Select Update Database as the type of generation.
- Un-check Export to database to make it generate scripts file only.
- Click OK to start generation.
- The script is generated to the given path.
- Let's take a look at the generated scripts.
- To execute the scripts, open the Oracle Web client, select SQL > SQL Scripts, and click Upload to upload the generated DDL file.
- Once the file is uploaded, click the script icon.
- Click Run to execute the scripts to database.
- Click Run again to confirm.
- Click the file icon to check the result.
- The scripts are executed successfully. Database is updated.
- We can see the changes in the Object Browser.
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